As we are getting closer and closer to the first round of testing of our game, we are completing all the features in the game. Yesterday I just added a new power source – the water wheel. Let’s see a video first:
Author: Pavel Jiri Strnad
New gameplay video
We are planning to release Closed Beta at the begging of May so everybody is working like hell to move the project forward.
Here is newest video showing the gameplay:
Characters can now drink water
This is another major breakthrough in the game play. Our characters have 3 new statistics – hunger, thirst and tiredness. They can fulfill their thirst by drinking water, once you build a water well.
First have a look at this video:
Are you controlling the game, or is the game controlling you?
After we released the first milestone, 0.1, I realized that instead of going for new features, I need to focus on the playability of the game and better control. Our game is not intended to be played where you control individual characters, as with classical strategy games. Rather, you do global planning of work needed to accomplish the tasks you want done, setting up your crew based on priorities you set, then you watch things happen.
The side effect of such a system is that you can become frustrated, as you simply don’t know why the F**K something is not happening — or something else IS happening.
First, watch this video:
Current state of the game
Today we submit our game to and one of the requirements is a video explaining the game. It’s been a little over 2 months since we started to work on the game, and it’s kind of an interesting moment to look at the current state of things.
Also to look back to see what was planned vs. what we achieved.
But mainly it’s important to look to the future to see what’s ahead, and how the game will look and work, let’s say 3 months from now. And I can’t wait to be there.
First, here is the video:
Energy System
And we are back after the holidays. For me it was mainly working time, as I was pushing Revive & Prosper to get a playable demo. Not ready yet, but some major milestones were achieved, and I need to create videos for all the features that were done.
Today I want to show you the power system. Let’s start with the video first:
First factory
Wow … so we have the first factory ready. Now the characters can turn wood into planks, sticks and gears. All wood materials needed to build belts. Here’s a short video:
New UI and better control over the jobs
Today it’s exactly 1.5 month since I started the development of Revive & Prosper. It’s going so well, and I’m still so excited, that I hardly sleep 5 hours per day 🙂
What do we have today?
I’m now focusing on the UI. Look at the video:
Terrain Manipulation
Here we are with a new update. This week a lot of work will be done and I’ll publish it once we polish a few things. But at this moment we have ready terrain manipulation. Here is a short video:
Today is a super exciting day for me. I was coding overnight, like when I was in my early 20ties, eager to complete the implementation of the belts. And I did it!
Here’s a short video showing the progress: