
Today is a super exciting day for me. I was coding overnight, like when I was in my early 20ties, eager to complete the implementation of the belts. And I did it!

Here’s a short video showing the progress:

I wrote code for these belts about a year ago, and it’s now pure C++ (before it was Pascal code), which uses UE for rendering. All the movement of the items is done completely on the background. I did measure the code and it can move on my computer about 280.000 items on 300.000 belts in about 12 milliseconds. Yep, this will work.

If you watch the video you’ll see I put extra care into the visuals. My idea is that the motion will occur by putting one belt perpendicular to another, as this looks to me more clear (like Factory Town). But visually you can see that the item is turning when it hits the 2nd belt, and I found it kind of relaxing to watch the items moving.

No how it will work in the game?

You plan the belts and characters will need to build them. To build a belt you will need to first create one at the factory. Wooden belts will require just wood and a wood factory, but more complex and effective belts will require different materials and a more complex factory.

You can definitely place belts on platforms and stack them vertically, same as the factories can be stacked vertically. I’m just looking forward to seeing some crazy solutions from our players to solve the supply chain problems.

Belts can transport any element – wood, stone, soil etc., and some basic structures like belts, pipes, etc. They will not be able to transport structures (factories, walls, etc.) as they would need to be assembled on site.

To have characters put something on the belt you will need to create a drop point, and to take something off you will create simple storage. Characters would not be able to take items from the belts directly. Factories would be able to place their production on the belts directly and accept the materials from the belts.
