In this update, I’ll show you the latest gameplay video that was supposed to be about something else and summarize the Digital Dragons conference.

First, let me tell you about the gameplay video you can watch below and then briefly sum up the Digital Dragons conference.
The gameplay video
Yesterday, I was submitting our game to a couple of indie game festivals.
One of them required a gameplay video, so I started recording one.
The video was supposed to show preparations for a rocket launch and the production of needed materials and parts.
You can read more about the space expansion in this article.
But then I noticed one factory missing a lead resource.
This caught my attention, and I just naturally dived into playing and fixing the resource management issue in my production line.
And this is what Revive & Prosper is about: managing resources and improving production lines of factories while heading towards expanding to space by launching a rocket to orbit and later to the Moon and Mars.
With the main goal in mind, you can continually achieve many smaller goals to improve efficiency.
The game is complex but after you become acquainted with controls, you’ll find out it’s not difficult.
Check the gameplay video here:
Digital Dragons conference
We attended the Digital Dragons conference in Krakow, Poland.
In my opinion, gaming events and conferences are truly important for indie game marketing, community building, and receiving valuable feedback.
Digital Dragons additionally offers a bonus with the high quality of the whole conference, the organization and the overall wholesome vibe.
So that next year’s visit is inevitable for us. 🙂
In the picture, you can see the mighty hand of Revive & Prosper’s creator Pavel Jiri Strnad.
Hope you enjoyed this update, let me know on Discord.
And feel free to check out our voxel automation game on Steam.
Cheers! shootinka